I know it’s been well over a long time since I post, but that’s because I’ve had some plans brewing for the daily tarot blog. Originally, this is a place for me to practice tarot upon myself and allow the teachings and lessons to be learned “out in the open” as well as create a record for me to look back upon at a future time.
Because my life has become so busy, actually writing out my daily tarot cards along with my interpretations for myself personally has become somewhat of a luxury that I don’t have right now LOL. In light of this, I’ve decided to take the daily tarot blog in a slightly different direction.
As I mentioned in my last post, I definitely want to add some bits about tarot to the blog and not just let it lapse. So in light of all this, I intend for a couple things to happen. I want to have a new design for the site created (I know that some of you really like this design, but it’s “too heavy” and doesn’t convey the right aura to me), next I want to create a section about learning the card meanings and some spreads that I’ve personally developed over the years.
So for the next few months, I believe that I’ll be working more towards putting up the educational section of this blog and then I’ll take it from there. However, I still would love to do the weekly tarot for everyone, so that is still on the agenda – most definitely.
That’s all for now – and for those who are curious :) – my daily tarot card for today is Nigel Jackson’s Five of Cups. It seems I’m in for a bit of loss and depression today. But the wonderful thing about tarot is, nothing is written in stone. Forewarned is forearmed and realizing that this day has the potential to become a dreary day makes me realize that I need to focus, not on the negatives which may occur, but on the positives that will occur so that I will draw more positive energy to me. No crying over spilled milk for me today!
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February 14, 2005 in General
First and foremost, I must apologize to my readers. It seems like life has gotten in the way of my updating the website.
I haven’t forgotten about daily tarot and I definitely want to keep it a daily gig, which is why I need to find a healthy compromise while I get some work done. I have taken on three new clients this month carrying over into next month, so my time will be very limited.
But since I do want to keep daily tarot, well, daily – I’ve decided that instead of putting my daily tarot card and a brief excerpt of its meaning to me each day (at least for a little while), I will compensate with a tarot tidbit instead. I will also start implementing my tarot deck reviews. A small note about the reviews, they will be personal based on my own experience with the cards. I currently have about 13 decks, but since I love tarot, you can be sure I’ll add more to the list.
I would still like to get the tarot game started and I appreciate all those who showed interest in participating, so definitely keep your eyes peeled for that. If I become too busy, I will ask one of my friends to help me manage and update this site so it won’t go to the way side completely :).
That’s the general tarot update and I appreciate your patience as I work the kinks out of this new blog…
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January 27, 2005 in General
I know I’ve been out of the swing of things for a few days, but I certainly haven’t forgotten about my daily tarot card (even if I wasn’t able to update my blog) and since things are a little bit more under control around here, I’m going to start back up with the daily tarot card updates :).

Tarot Deck: Nigel Jackson Tarot
Tarot Card: The Hermit (IX)
My personal interpretation:
Today will be a day of quiet reflection. Hiding from the forays of everyday chaos to learn important lessons about my inner self. Self-contemplation will take the driver’s seat and all else will be in a separate car :). The card is set at night with stars twinkling in the sky. The old man holds a lantern in his hand with light beaming from the front of it to light his path as he stands atop a rocky ledge. This tells me that although the road looks daunting and there is darkness (unknown) all around, I do not have to succumb to any fear because I have light (guidance) and wisdom.
All in all, enjoy my day of self-imposed solitude, it will be a rewarding one.
Interpretation from the book:
Prudent withdrawal from the crowd to pursue a solitary vision; silence; independence; contemplation; detachment; hidden wisdom; deliberation; secret inspiration.
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January 22, 2005 in Daily Tarot, Nigel Jackson Tarot
After putting much thought into this and wondering how else I can incorporate you into the daily tarot, I’ve come up with a daily tarot project. It will be weekly (so I should probably call it the weekly tarot project) and I will draw a tarot card and let you interpret it and see how it plays out in your own personal life. What insights did the card give you, what did you learn that you didn’t know before, etc.
I thought about doing this with only one person, but I got to thinking and asked myself, why should I limit it to one person when I could include you too. On that note, the first Weekly Tarot project will begin this Sunday morning. I will select a card, scan the image for you so you can see what it looks like, and then feel free to post your own interpretations in the comment section.
How exciting :)
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January 20, 2005 in General
I want to expand daily tarot to include my readership as well, so I am conducting an experiment and would love to have some assistance. I want to provide a daily tarot card for you.
The only thing I’d ask in return is that you leave a brief comment on how you believe this tarot card applies to your day and what your interpretation of the card is. I plan to post an image of the card so you can see the details for your own interpretation.
Then at the end of the day, report back here with your results and how you feel that the card affected your day. I would like to make this a weekly game and I’d choose a participant from the day before (I’ll send an email letting you know you’ve been chosen, so your real email is required).
How does that sound? Would you be willing to participate in the weekly tarot game? If you’re interested, take a moment to contact me or leave a comment.
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January 14, 2005 in General
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