How To Read Tarot Cards: Second Rule of Thumb

In the first installment of the How to Read Tarot Cards collection, I briefly covered the first rule of thumb which was to become one with your tarot cards. If you haven’t already read through it, it couldn’t hurt.

The second rule of thumb to reading tarot cards is developing the proper way of asking your questions.

That may seem obvious to some people and to others it may seem pointless, a question is a question, right? Not quite so regarding the tarot. The tarot’s answer will only be as clear as the question you present to it. If you are not clearly focused on the problem at hand or if you are thinking about multiple variables to a situation, the cards will reflect that.

Before setting down to actually do a tarot spread, it’s good to take a deep breath and clear your mind. Some readers actually take 15 minutes beforehand to meditate and allow the stresses which may surround them to fall into the background.

If you’re just starting to read the tarot cards, it’s a good idea to have a pen and paper handy with you before you read. Think about what you’d like to have answered, right down everything that comes to your mind. Then read over what you’ve written and whittle it down. Keep narrowing all the fluff you’ve written to get straight to the true question. You’ll be glad you did when the answers shown through the cards don’t seem so confusing ;).

If you feel too emotionally attached to a specific subject, the cards can and will pick up on it. This can be good and it can be bad. It’s good that you have such a strong connection with your cards, however, it’s bad because your mental state (or psychic energy) can actually influence the way the cards fall – and that would provide a skewed reading.

In a situation such as that one, it’s a good idea to allow someone whom you trust to read the cards for you. If having someone else read the cards for you is simply out of the question, remember to relax yourself. Don’t read the cards until you feel comfortable enough to accept what the answer may be – whether or not it’s something you want to hear.

Introducing Daily Tarotscopes

I know you’re probably asking “what is a tarotscope?”

I’ve decided to start providing daily horoscopes based on the tarot and your astrological signs. Each day, I will draw a card for each sign of the zodiac with a brief explanation of the card’s meaning and what to expect for the day.

I won’t need to tell you that not every person will have the exact same experiences in their lives, but it’s a good way to gauge any lessons to be learned and the tarot could possibly help to shed some light – if you pay attention.

You can expect the first tarotscope to appear in the Daily Tarotscopes section of Daily Tarot beginning this Saturday morning.

I’d love to hear what you think about the idea and if you have any suggestions – don’t be shy, leave a comment or use the contact form.

More Changes To Daily Tarot

The site went down for a few minutes while it was upgraded to WordPress 1.5 and some new features have been installed and I apologize for any inconvenience.

In a few moments, you may notice a subscribe box so you’ll be able to receive Daily Tarot updates straight to your inbox. In addition to the subscription box, you may notice little envelope icons, if you find a post particularly interesting, you can forward the entry to a friend.

More items will continue to be added to Daily Tarot over the next few months, but if there’s something in particular you’d like to see – don’t be shy.

How To Read Tarot Cards: First Rule Of Thumb

The first thing I like to impart on anyone who expresses an interest in learning how to read tarot is to become one with the cards. I know that sounds like a really bad zen joke, but it’s not.

The epitome of tarot is to allow the energy that surrounds you and your situation to direct the cards in order to provide insight to help guide your way. If you’re not connected with your cards, how can the cards actually guide you?

Notice that I did not say querent or questioner. You are the one that needs to develop a connection with your cards, even when you’re reading for someone else, because the cards are guiding you to help this person. Because of this, the cards and their meanings must first make sense to you – not your querent or questioner. Keep reading »

And It’s Official

Daily Tarot has received a make over. I decided the old layout for Daily Tarot seemed a little too cramped and dark and that certainly was not the tone I was going for when I launched this website.

I changed the color scheme to something more “sunny” and natural. I know it may seem like it doesn’t have it’s “tarot edge” because I took out the image of tarot cards and I know some people really loved the last layout, but I have just one thing to say – this layout really isn’t done yet. Keep reading »

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