What a great day! It’s time for the update and I saw the Queen of Staves many times throughout the day. This is, of course, the update to Nigel Jackson Tarot: Queen of Staves, with an interpretation of:
This card gives me the feeling of reassurance. Whatever ideas that I turn into new projects or new clients will definitely have a favorable effect/impact on my life today. The fact that it is a court card signifies that there may be an outside influence (possibly female) which also helps provide me with much needed reassurance and guidance.
The personal projects that I am working on took flight today. It was all unexpected and quite exciting. My new client raved about my service and attitude. The gold in her gown and the arrow pointing up definitely made itself aware when I opened my inbox to find a new client waiting for me. While it means more work, it’s also more work later because this new client understands that my schedule is pretty tight, but he is still willing to wait and even help out if he can :).
I also found that other people shared their ideas and motivations openly with me and one of my previous clients basically gave me a major confidence boost (and that client happens to be a female). We got into a personal email conversation in which she shared some of her motivations and she encouraged me to move ahead with my own ideas. She definitely gave me the reassurance and guidance that I needed.
To be utterly honest with you, I certainly didn’t expect the card to play out this prominently in my day – but I guess that’s why it came up as the daily tarot card. When I look back over this day, I see that while I did not realize all of my goals, I definitely made the right steps towards them. Steps in the right direction.
Thank you all who are journeying with me through this wonderful world of tarot and I look forward to your comments and insights as well.
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January 6, 2005 in Daily Tarot Updates, Nigel Jackson Tarot
I got a bit of a late start today although I’ve been awake since early this morning. Much has already happened in my day so far, and I will take that into account when updating this evening.
The first thing I noticed when doing this daily tarot was that another Staves card came into play so I’m definitely excited to seem where it is leading. I can vouch for this certainly being a creative and intellectual timeframe for me – which is simply what I interpret the suit of staves to be. I’d love to hear any input on what the staves suit means to others and how they interpret them.
So, let’s continue one with today’s card
Tarot Deck: Nigel Jackson Tarot
Daily Card: Queen of Staves
My personal interpretation of this card:
As I mentioned earlier, this is another staves card. I equate it with the wind element and I also equate it with the realm of thought and the mind. The figure of the queen is very dignified and pleasant. Overall, I see that this day is going to shape up into a good one filled with opportunity. The birds flying in the background shows me that my mind will be somewhat busy as well and overflowing with thoughts – moreso than usual. The red cape she’s wearing definitely tells me there will be some action, which is good – what is thought without action? Her golden dress and the arrow with the tip pointing in the air gives me the feeling of favorable outcomes and “going in the right direction” (up).
This card gives me the feeling of reassurance. Whatever ideas that I turn into new projects or new clients will definitely have a favorable effect/impact on my life today. The fact that it is a court card signifies that there may be an outside influence (possibly female) which also helps provide me with much needed reassurance and guidance.
Interpretation from the book:
A generous efficient woman; independent; friendly, successful new project.
Thanks for reading, and don’t forget to check back for the update!
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January 6, 2005 in Daily Tarot, Nigel Jackson Tarot
Well, my day is winding down to a close. I am updating a little early as I don’t plan to go to bed for another couple hours, and as I’m sure you already know, alot can happy in a couple hours. However, I feel secure in updating the blog as I’ve already had an eventful day indeed.
This will be the update to today’s card Nigel Jackson Tarot: Ten of Staves with an initial interpretation of:
Overall, I see that today, a rebellion (on my part) may occur and an end will be put to any oppressions that I feel with regards to an idea or dream that I am having. I however, need to be careful, as my opinion weighs a lot more than I give it credit for and I will border on being a tyrant. There is nothing too distressing about this card and the man’s facial expressions do not seem pained in anyway, so I should not need to worry about much opposition.
I was very curious to see how this particular card would play out in my day as I didn’t think there would be too much going on, however, hindsight is 20/20. Today, I had a client of mine ring in to see how my new year was and to discuss some other important matters. As the conversation carried on, I did feel a bit of swell in my chest to go against everything she was asking me to do. I lunged at the opportunity to offer my 2 bits and lay some ground rules before her demands got out of hand.
It was refreshing, but it also gave me a moment to look at and realize that this lady truly took what I said to heart. Any recommendations or changes I suggested, it suddenly became written law in her book so I realized I definitely needed to watch what I said to her – at least at this point and time. I will not lie and say it wasn’t exciting to have that much sway with someone, but I definitely saw how it could have been easily misused.
Also, today I decided to give my sister a ring to wish her well. Unfortunately, I did not heed the card’s warning as our conversation dwindled on and I got the distinct inpression that I had beome a bit of a tyrant with my time and patience. Although I made generalizations about what people did that “pissed me off”, much of the things mentioned were things that she did to me as well. I know to her I seemed quite heavy handed (which reminded me of the chain whip the gentleman in the card was holding) – and that leads to the comment that hindsight is 20/20. Because of this, I will be doing sisterly damage control.
That’s it for today, I welcome comments and questions, so don’t be shy in leaving them! Have a wonderful evening and you can expect another daily tarot tomorrow!
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January 5, 2005 in Daily Tarot Updates, Nigel Jackson Tarot
The thing I notice between the many decks that I have are their use of names. Some use the elements, some say staves, some say clubs, some don’t even use clear divisions at all!
Well, this card would be the equivalent of ten of clubs in other decks and some would say ten of fire – however, I do not. I equate the staves/clubs with the air element because air is the realm of thought and ideas, whereas swords signifies activity and movement such as in battle (fire). The key, for any reader, is to go with what is best for them. If a deck bothers you because of its imagery or you cannot get in synch with the illustrations – change decks :).
I’d love to hear your take on which element you attribute to the stave/clubs and why – don’t be shy, feel free to leave a comment. Now on to the daily tarot card!
Tarot Deck used: Nigel Jackson Tarot
Daily Tarot Card: Ten of Staves (clubs)
My interpretation of this daily card:
Any time I see a ten card, I know that a cycle is coming to an end and a new one will be ready to begin on its heels. Ten is the last card in an arcana, whereas 1 (or ace) is the first or beginning. I notice the imagery in the card which indicates the sun is just setting (or rising) but in my case for the daily tarot, it’s just setting so I know that more activity will occur later in the day for me, sometime in the evening around sunset. The items in the man’s hand tells me a couple things. The burning of the book and the vivid display of fire signifies rebellion or a desire to go against what is written and the the stature of the man indicates this will be a successful rebellion. However, the people who are hanging their heads, either in worship or fear, seem to pose a problem. I could easily lead them astray, by force or by knowledge, so I need to pay close attention to my actions, my words, and my deeds because it is highly influential.
Overall, I see that today, a rebellion (on my part) may occur and an end will be put to any oppressions that I feel with regards to an idea or dream that I am having. I however, need to be careful, as my opinion weighs a lot more than I give it credit for and I will border on being a tyrant. There is nothing too distressing about this card and the man’s facial expressions do not seem pained in anyway, so I should not need to worry about much opposition.
Interpretation from the book:
Sure success; triumphant consolidation; danger of established power becoming oppressive.
That’s it for today, don’t forget to check back later or tomorrow for the update on the daily tarot card and how it manifested itself in my day and what lessons I learned from it.
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January 5, 2005 in Daily Tarot, Nigel Jackson Tarot
Daily Tarot has received a makeover. Granted, it’s only a few days old, but it’s always good to have its own unique look. I decided on the color blue instead of purple because I like the calming effect that it has and there aren’t that many frills – yet – I want to keep this site simple.
I would love some feedback on the design and if there’s anything which should be changed, edited, tweaked, or any other added functionality to make this blog a great one.
Thanks in advance!
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January 5, 2005 in General
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