Looking Back at Nigel Jackson Tarot: Queen of Swords

It’s been a turbulent few days. So much so that I didn’t update on my daily tarot before going to bed a couple days ago. But I am updating now. This post is in reference to Nigel Jackson Tarot : Queen of Swords with an initial interpretation of:

…the card shows me that there may be a period of time today when it seems that things are not going my way, however, I still need to work through it to see the end results clearly. There will also be some level of isolation as well. Near the end of the day, I would expect to see some rewards for my efforts in the day.

After my day was finished, I really had to take a good look back over it. From the moment I woke up in the morning, I had work to do. I didn’t feel quite like myself all day long and work actually felt like work. Surprisingly enough, I did not receive any phone calls from friends, family, or clients on Monday which is quite odd, but I thought back to the Queen of Swords and realized that yes, indeed this would seem like a day of isolation. I then asked myself how I could best benefit from this day and asked what insight the card provided me with that I could use to my advantage.

To put it plainly, I simply finished my work somewhat laboriously. I realized that my goals and focus should be on finishing my own work and to take a spiritual inventory of myself. I needed the time alone to think about the direction my life was heading in. I also needed the time alone to remind myself that I am a pretty cool person (c’mon, if I don’t even like hanging out with myself, how can I expect anyone else to).

At the end of my day, I was better able to relax. I popped in a movie, made myself some popcorn, and made it a blockbuster night. And best of all, I was able to get some sleep. A full night’s worth and something I had not been able to do for the entire week prior!

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